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100+ Spanish Words for New Beginners (Must-Know)

I'm sure by now you've heard of all the benefits of learning Spanish.

You'll be able to communicate with more people, read in your target language, travel more easily, and more.

But the question is, where do you start? 

We have taken on the task of answering that question for you. In this blog post, we have compiled 100+ words that are perfect to help the beginner learner like you.

All the words are handpicked based on ease of pronunciation and everyday conversation usage.

Before we dig in, here are some of the best methods you can rely on to memorize new beginner Spanish words.

How to Memorize Spanish Words

Learn the Alphabet

Let's start with the very basics here. The beginner Spanish words in this list are an excellent way to begin your beginner Spanish vocabulary, but first you need to be familiar with the Spanish alphabet. 

The best advice we can give you is to learn it as quickly as possible. It will make writing beginner Spanish words much easier later on.

You can use our Spanish alphabet pronunciation guide to get started with that.

Leverage Repetition Using Flashcards

Memorizing beginner Spanish words with flashcards is one of the best beginner Spanish language learning methods there is.

The process is simple:

Look over your beginner Spanish word list (you can copy the list we have created below and make it yours). Choose 20 -30 beginner Spanish words that are easy for you to remember, and write them on a separate sheet of paper. Cut up the pieces of paper, and put them into a word-chained stack.

Flip the first beginner Spanish word card to review. If you can't remember it, take a guess (or use English as your guide), flip the card again, and move on. Repeat this process until you've successfully memorized all beginner Spanish words.

You can even make beginner Spanish word flashcards on your phone with free beginner Spanish apps. Anki remains to be our favorite for digital flashcards.

Find a Native Spanish Speaking Partner

If you are motivated to learn beginner Spanish, chances are you will be open to practicing beginner Spanish words with a native speaking friend.

If you don't have a beginner Spanish speaking partner in your area, there are beginner Spanish language learning websites and apps you can join to connect with beginner Spanish speakers all over the world. 

The app that has worked best for most learners we have connected with is HelloTalk. There you can find Spanish speakers for your target dialect that are willing to learn YOUR native language while teaching you theirs.

Feel like you are not ready for a person-to-person interaction in Spanish yet?

Jumpspeak might be the perfect beginner Spanish language learning tool for you. 

Take private Spanish lessons

If you want to save all the guesswork, just like with anything, you can just hire an expert. Studying beginner Spanish words with an expert is a great way to begin. 

If you can't find beginner Spanish classes near you, you can opt for private online language lessons on top elearning platforms such as Rype.

The biggest advantage of learning with a one-on-one Spanish tutor is that you target your weaknesses from the very early stages. This way, your growth with Spanish learning is much smoother, and you end up progressing flawlessly through the different levels of the language.

100+ Beginner Spanish Words


Uno - One

Two - Dos

Three - Tres

Four - Cuatro

Five - Cinco

Six - Seis

Seven - Siete

Eight - Ocho

Nine - Nueve

Ten - Diez


Lunes - Monday

Martes - Tuesday

Miércoles - Wednesday

Jueves - Thursday

Viernes - Friday

Sábado - Saturday

Domingo - Sunday


Enero - January

Febrero - February 

Marzo - March

Abril - April 

Mayo - May

Junio - June

Julio - July

Agosto - August

Septiembre - September

Octubre - October

Noviembre - November

Diciembre - December


Rojo - Red

Amarillo - Yellow

Verde - Green

Azul - Blue

Negro - Black 

Blanco - White

Morado - Purple 

Crema - Cream

Gris - Grey

Cafe - Brown

Rosado - Pink

Oro - Gold

Plata - Silver

Foods and Drinks

Huevo - Egg

Carne - Meat

Pescado - Fish

Pollo- Chicken 

Cebolla - Onion 

Ajo - Garlic

Cilantro - Coriander

Pimiento Rojo - Red Pepper

Tomate - Tomato

Tortilla de Papas- Potato Omelette

Chocolate - Chocolate

Postre - Dessert

Helado - Ice Cream

Leche - Milk

Agua - Water

Café - Coffee

Té - Tea

Hielo - Ice  

Pan - Bread  

Arroz - Rice 

Manzana - Apple

Sandía - Watermelon

Melón - Melon

Naranja - Orange

Uvas - Grapes

Kiwi- Kiwi Fruit

Torta de Chocolate - Chocolate Cake

Caldo - Soup  

Family Members

Hermano - Brother

Hermana - Sister

Primo - Cousin

Tío - Uncle

Tía - Auntie

Nieto- Grandson

Nieta - Granddaughter

Mamá- Mom

Papá- Dad

Abuelo- Grandfather

Abuela - Grandmother

Greetings and Goodbyes 

Hola - Hello

Gracias - Thanks

Adios - Goodbye

Chao!- Bye!

Adiós - Goodbye

Por favor - Please

Disculpe - Excuse me

Perdón - Sorry


Tren - Train

Avión - Airplane

Camión- Truck

Bicicleta - Bicycle

Autobús - Bus

Barca- Boat

Motocicleta- Motorcycle  

Coche- Car

Taxi - Taxi


Restaurante - Restaurant

Cafetería- Cafe

Bar- Bar

Cine- Cinema

Televisión- TV  

Película - Film

Casino - Casino

Monumento - Monument

Museo - Museum   

Escuela - School  

Tienda- Shop  

Biblioteca- Library


Tsunami - Tsunami

Terremoto - Earthquake

Incendio- Fire

Inundación - Flood

Robo - Robbery

¡Ayudar! - Help!

Pánico- Emergency


You have learned how to memorize beginner Spanish words, and have access to a list of more than 100 words.

There are a number of tools out there that can help you practice new vocabulary. You can leverage flashcards whether offline and online, practice with a language partner through an app or exchange platform, or even hire a private tutor to make it all easier for you.

If you want to start practicing right away, we recommend checking out Jumpspeak's 7 day free trial for a 24/7 Spanish tutor.

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