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30 Free English Lessons Online to Help You Learn English Faster

Do you find that you are not learning English fast enough? In this post, we'll share 30 sources of free English lessons online. Hope it helps you out.

Do you find that you are not learning English fast enough? In this articleIn this article, we'll share more than 30 sources of free English lessons online that will help you learn English faster.  You’ll find a total of our 30 favorite sources to make it practical for you to learn English, according to your learning environment.

These resources listed below are listed by the source where you can find them and the levels of English they will help you with. In the event that a source has great material on more than one channel, you may find it appear more than once in the resource list below. Most of the times the content is unique on the different platforms.

30 Free English Lessons Online


Beginner English learners:

Learn English Through Music Basic Level English by James Hampshire uses reggae style and popular rhythms to teach English language concepts and grammar to students.

Sing and Learn English by Stephane Husar An approach to learning English that would appeal more to children who wish to sing along and learn the language

Intermediate English learners:

English Language Course by the Learning Language Company, features a drier approach that focuses on punctuation and helps the learner structure English better, especially for speaking along more complex subjects and improving writing ability.


Beginner English learners:

Learn English with EnglishClass101.com and also includes the Lyric Lab, with learning English with Songs.

English for You with Canadian Molly Stone, which exposes you to many different pronunciations from native English teachers from different parts of the world.  

EnglishLessons4U: Learn English with Ronnie! engVid. Ronnie presents in North American English. There is also Learn English with Emma engVid, who also presents in North American English. Learn British English Free, a lot of Chris’ videos focus on British English accent training. A lot of diverse material though, including use of sarcasm, slang, phrasal verbs and many expressions. Helena Daily English has a series of most common expressions to help you learn English as fast as possible.

Keep Smiling English has content that intermediate learners will appreciate most. Lots of short entertaining videos about English.

Intermediate and Advanced English learners:

Real Life English. You can learn a lot of English by watching scenes from popular TV shows and read subtitles to learn.


For English beginners:

Learn English for free. Material for beginners to practice anything from the introduction to the alphabet and pronunciation of basic words.  Learn English Easy. Slower pronunciation to adjust your ear to the North American pronunciation.

Advanced learners

Sulaiman Althuwaini, enjoy a variety of stories and practice your listening comprehension at an advanced level.

iTunes Podcast

The following three podcasts are for the intermediate to advanced learners who want to hear material from native British and North American speakers:

Voice of America Learning English Broadcast

Learn English British Council

Real Life Global English Podcasts

While this last podcast is best suited to advanced learners: Luke’s English Podcast

Online Course Platforms (MOOC's)

The following four educational platforms have a large variety of material to choose from for English learners at the intermediate to advanced level. The important thing is to check on whether the course has a fixed start date. The main advantage of the courses with a fixed start date is that you become a part of an online English learning community and have the chance to interact with others who want to learn English faster, where you can exchange advice and interact with the teacher in online forums.

alison.com has a large variety of courses to choose from, including fundamentals of English grammar, writing skills, how to speak and write English effectively, conversational English, business English, and English for travel. The main disadvantage with the free version of Alison is that you have to navigate your way around advertisements and cannot access the content as fast as premium subscribers.

udemy.com has courses for free as well as for a fee. It is up to the instructor to decide the price for a given course. Courses at Udemy include some video content, articles, supplemental resources and a certificate of completion.

FutureLearn.com Unlike Alison and Udemy, the courses at FutureLearn have a specific start and end date. Many classes last between four and six weeks. You can interact with fellow students and the teachers. Classes at FutureLearn include preparation for proficiency tests, workplace English, and British culture.

EdX.org Similar to FutureLearn, EdX courses have a specific start and end date. You can enrol in courses such as English composition, research and writing skills, business English, and English reading skills.

Chrome Extensions

FlipWord.co, you can improve your English passively. Read material in another language, such as Chinese, and a percentage of words at your level switch over to English for you. You also receive quizzes on your ability to remember vocabulary and construct proper sentences.

You can browse content in a language other than English and focus on learning English passively and get quizzed on your English while you go about doing things you’d already do, such as use Facebook and read blogs. FlipWord is growing, so if that language you want isn’t supported, check back later.

ReadLang.com, the free version allows you unlimited word translations and flashcards as well as ten phrase translations per day. You use ReadLang as an extension on your Chrome browser and as you read English-language content online, you click the words or phrases that you wish to learn. The extension uses Google translate to tell you the meaning of the words and phrases without having to leave the page.


Beginner English learners:

The following suggestions include websites that will help you learn English faster.

Learn English by the British Council This site will help you learn English faster through a series of episodes. You can find an approximation of your level of English with a free online English test The test is helpful to determine whether you are at a beginner or intermediate level. The problem with the test is that even advanced and native speakers could ace the test and be told that they are ‘upper intermediate’. The test is designed to help you find material at your level on the platform.

Voice of America Learning English Broadcast In addition to having a series of broadcasts, you can explore videos such as “English @ the Movies” and “Everyday Grammar TV”. Intermediate learners will appreciate it the most.

The website EspressoEnglish.net has free English lessons and a free e-book to help you learn English faster and is especially geared for intermediate learners.

Intermediate and Advanced learners:

BBC Learning English via Player FM A variety of programs to explain expressions as well as to practice following plots. There is much to choose from and material for vocabulary building.

BliuBliu.com  has a free version which you can only use it up to five minutes at a time. To use it for the first time, take a short test to determine your English level and then you can focus on content that you find interesting. Listen while you read short pieces of content in English, and mark words that you don’t know yet.

Teacher Luke is best for advanced students. There are many different topics to listen to and improve your listening skills. One of the greatest parts about this website is you can download transcripts to accompany many of Luke’s podcasts.

RealLifeGlobal: listen to interviews and broadcasts, study vocabulary and idiomatic expressions.

English learning blogs

english.com from inspiring success stories to helpful facts and interesting trivia about the English language, this blog will help you most if you are at the intermediate to advanced level.

blog.AbaEnglish.com  A blog with a range of explanations for all levels of English language learners.

Mobile applications

Duolingo English for the following speakers: Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Italian, Chinese, Turkish, German, Arabic, Vietnamese, Polish, Hindi, Hungarian, Japanese, Romanian, Dutch, Korean, Czech, Indonesian, Ukrainian, Greek, Thai, Bengali, Tagalog, Tamil, Punjabi, Telugu. Duolingo is best for beginners. You can sign up on the website and download the app and log-in to practice your English while on the go.

Memrise You can set your dashboard for Chinese, German, English, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish and Vietnamese. At Memrise you can choose courses from numbers, to grammar, to the 3000 most important words to a more ‘advanced course’ which is still really just material for intermediate level students. Overall Memrise is suitable for beginners to intermediate learners. You can sign up on the website and download the app and log-in to practice your English while on the go.

LingQ.com has a free version. It doesn’t matter which language you are learning as long as the language is on Google translate. The material is good for all levels of English learners.

Your next steps

The above resources will help you reach your goals of learning English more efficiently and faster. Depending on your current level and how fast you need to learn English, consider how the resources can fit into your daily routine. Find the resources that suit your taste and match your level and learning goals.

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