If you plan on learning Arabic this year, you may want to familiarize yourself with the most common Arabic swear words. As expected, it's one of the first things that new Arabic language learners seek out when they're getting started.
Yes, it's a good tool belt to have at your disposal just in case there are other people who use it against you. Of course, we hope that the swear words we share today won't be used to harm others!
Let's get started, shall we?
8 Arabic Swear Words That You Need to Know Today
1. العمى (al'ama)
Literally means 'blindness'. It's used similarly to the way we say 'damn' in English.
2. Tozz Feek
This is how you tell someone to screw off or go away if you're feeling angered or annoyed by their presence.
3. Kol Khara
Eat shit.
4. Ya Ibn el Sharmouta (YA EBEN AL SHAR-MOO-TA)
Also known as: 'son of a b*tch!'
5. Telhas Teeze (TEL-HAS TEE-ZEE)
This is the common equivalent of “kiss my ass.” This literally means “lick my ass,” and is also used between friends or when someone is trying to mock or belittle another person in the group.
We're getting pretty offensive now...
6. Ayreh Feek (AY-REE FEE-K)
This is the common equivalent of “f*ck you” or “screw you.” This is a common expression between friends or prior to a gruesome fistfight. It literally means “my penis in you.”
7. Ya Shar-Moo-Ta
In short? It means 'you b*tch'.
8. Kess Ommak (KISS OM-MAK)
Perhaps the most insulting Arabic swear word of all on this list. This means: your mom's vag*na.

This is a never-ending list, but we decided to cap it at 8 to give you a starting point to work with. Remember, these swear words are highly offensive to use against other people, so we caution you to be aware of it beforehand!
To see more lists of swear words in other languages: