Hola hola, ¡bienvenidos!To give a good impression sometimes giving a compliment helps. This can be in a work situation, with friends, or evenwhen flirting. Last time we talked about likes and dislikes, but what do you say if you see something (or someone) that looks nice?
Here are some typical phrases you can use to compliment someone in Spanish.
First I'd like to point out that there are different grammar structures that are used to give a compliment: Eres : you are Tienes : you have Me encanta : I loveEres + adjective : You are Eres guapo/guapa(You are handsome / you are good looking) Eres inteligente(You are intelligent) Eres un gran amigo(You are a great friend) Eres muy amable(You are very nice)Tienes : You have Tienes una gran sonrisa(You have a great smile) Tienes una hermosa familia(You have a beautiful family) Tienes una linda casa(You have a nice house) Tienes mucho talento(You have a lot of talent)Me encanta : I love Me encanta tu camisa(I love your shirt) Me encantan tus zapatos(I love your shoes) Me encanta tu collar(I love your necklace) Me encantan tus sillas(I love your chairs)Notice that when the noun is plural we use: encantan + tusTake a look at the picture and find the compliment that suits them.
Tienes una gran sonrisa
Me encanta tu collar
Tienes una linda casa
Tienes mucho talento
¡Excelente trabajo amigos!You did a great job today.¡Gracias por acompañarme! ¡Nos vemos la próxima! ¡Adiós!