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20 English Speaking Classes to Talk Like a Native Speaker

Want to be able to speak English like a native speaker? You can. All you need is some useful resources such as English speaking classes to get you started.

A lot goes into a great English conversation, and knowing vocabulary isn’t enough. Great speakers practice cadence, tone, and sentence structures to sound confident and easy to understand. The best speakers also know that they need examples of great models to be able to emulate and succeed.Many learners have figured out that listening to radio or tv shows in the target language can help with accent. At the same time, most people who achieve near-native fluency need more targeted help.

This is why we've curated 20 English speaking classes for you to talk like a native speaker.

20 English Speaking Classes to Talk Like a Native Speaker

Video Lessons

If you aren’t sure where you want to place your energy with speaking yet, one of the fastest and easiest ways to start practicing speaking English is to use Youtube channels that offer free, quick content that helps you respond to the video with speaking practice.

Check out 15 Wicked English Learning Videos on Youtube for ESL Students, which includes many discussion and vocabulary improvement videos. Yes, you’ll have to talk to your computer or phone, but if it makes you a better speaker for free… that seems like a win!

You can also find channels like JenniferESL, mmmEnglish, and Daily English Conversation to target your work on your tone, pronunciation, and fluid conversational structures. After using video lessons, you also will have a better idea of what kind of speaking practice might help you best in a real-life practice context.

Online Classes

Coursera offers many kinds of language classes for free, but the most useful ones for you will be related to speaking: try Georgia Institute for Technology’s course called Improve Your English Communication Skills, focusing on the second mini-course that deals specifically with spoken communication online, in person, and on the phone.

These skills are so important because even native speakers of a language sometimes struggle to be understood online or on the phone. Many jobs and careers that you want to access will require these skills!University of California, Irvine has a Coursera class that pairs listening with speaking called Speaking and Listening Skills for Academic English. If you plan on attending school in an English speaking environment, the second and third modules will be especially important.

In the second English speaking class, the focus is on giving presentations, a difficult class activity when you are still practicing your speaking skills. The third module also helps you achieve the goals and rhythms of Academic class discussion in English, which can be confusing for second language speakers.

Apps and Games for Speaking

One well known game-based language application is Duolingo. Duolingo is known for being a way to “gamify” your language learning. While the typing and listening sections may help you, the speaking section is really helpful. The app is not quite the same as a conversation class though.

Instead, it offers the opportunity to do something to benefit your speaking abilities. While many people know Duolingo, Busuu and Babbel are other game-driven apps that help you learn languages. Every day new apps come on the market. They offer different aspects of speaking and learning languages, so it never hurts to try out a new one.


In-Person Language Schools

The Edwards School is an example of an accredited English language school. When you are looking for in-person English speaking classes, make sure to see whether the school is certified. Also you should think about what levels they guarantee you will achieve. Certainly, there is more to speaking English than achieving a level of proficiency. However, having levels shows that a school is confident in its product.

The Edwards School is a good option on the ground if you are in London. You can find in-person Language Schools in most major cities and even in some smaller towns.  Standard English courses, intensive English courses, and Private English lessons make up the three main forms of in-person courses.


Traditional English Speaking Classes

Standard English speaking classes serve as a good starting point if you simply want to assess your level in relation to other speakers and with a teacher. These courses may or may not teach to a test, but they build your speaking confidence. They also help you understand where you are in your language learning journey.

Intensive English Speaking Classes

Intensive English speaking classes are a great option if you know you are moving quickly toward fluency. They often cram many class hours into a small amount of time. This option might be ideal when you have finished jobs or school semesters. You can devote a lot of time to developing your language skills. After an Intensive, you still will need to keep practicing in order to retain your level, but the thought of becoming a better speaker faster may propel you toward greater confidence in speech.

Private English Speaking Classes

Private English lessons are one-on-one opportunities for you to practice your speaking. This option can be wonderful when you want to ask a lot of questions. Make sure that when you invest in this one-on-one time that you take advantage of it. Consider standard English classes when just starting out or if you don’t need to learn the language very quickly. Other kinds of courses may actually get you speaking more with your classmates, which can be beneficial.

With platforms like Rype, you can gain the benefit of learning anytime of the day, anywhere in the world.  We've hand-curated the top English teachers already to save you time, and your level of fluency will be accelerated significantly by learning with a private teacher.Claim your free 14-day trial here if you're interested.


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