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How to Find English Tutors Online

Looking for qualified English teachers to help you learn English faster? You’ve come to the right place. T

Looking for qualified English teachers to help you learn English faster? You’ve come to the right place. This guide will share how to select the right English teachers, what to look for, and where to find the best ones online. Hope you enjoy.

What to Look For in English Tutors

The key attributes you want to use to select English teachers comes down to a few core factors. Here are the four main qualities you want to look for:

  • Interests and personality: When you commit to learning English, you’ll be spending a lot of time with your teacher. This is why the qualities you look for in an English teacher is no different than the qualities you look for in a co-worker, roommate, etc. The more you have in common, the funner your lessons will be.
  • Patience: You’ll be making a ton of mistakes when you first start to learn English. It’s critical to find teachers that have the patience to go on that journey with you. When you work with a teacher that doesn’t have enough empathy, you’ll quickly start to feel more self-conscious about your mistakes.
  • Experience: This is a standard criteria you should have before working with a teacher. There’s a distinctive difference between a native speaker that speaks English, and a professionally trained English teacher.
  • Flexible schedule: You want to make sure that your teacher has enough availability in their schedule to adapt to your own schedule. The last thing you want is to be incredibly motivated to take lessons, when your teacher’s schedule is booked up.

Working with English Teachers Online or In-Person?

A lot of new students ask us what’s the difference between learning a language online versus offline. Since most of us received our education in-person, learning online is something that seems to act as a barrier. The good news is, online education is growing faster than ever, and millions of people are taking advantage of the opportunity.

To give you a fair comparison between the difference of learning English online versus in-person, here are the pros and cons of both options.

Local English tutors


  • Gain live interaction
  • Leverage non-obvious communication like language and lip movements
  • No internet problems


  • Requires a lot of time to commute back and forth
  • Higher price per lesson to cover English teacher’s cost of commute (and the longer learning time)
  • Limited to a single teacher
  • Lack of options to explore different teachers
  • Dependent on one person’s schedule and availability
  • Higher risk if the teacher doesn’t work out or is not qualified (no reviews, vetting)

Online English tutors


  • The time required to learn online is less than in-person. You save 30-60 minutes per session since there’s no commuting required, and you’re no longer confined to a standard one to hour long lesson time. For example: Rype English lessons can be as short as 30 minutes.
  • English lessons online cost much less because teachers also don’t have to commute, which means you get higher quality talent for less.
  • There’s an abundance of talented teachers you gain access to online.
  • Leverage online tools and sharing options such as document sharing, schedule management, and screensharing.
  • Teachers have been verified and most are rated/reviewed by previous students, so you already know what to expect based on peer reviews before your first lesson.


  • Potential WiFi issues may occur from teachers based in certain developing countries with low internet bandwidth
  • For students who simply prefer a more intimate, live interaction, or for those who are less tech-savvy, they may prefer the traditional in-person teachers (although very little tech knowledge is required, if at all)

At the end of the day, there’s no right or wrong answer. You have to weigh the pros and cons of both options. Our personal preference based on our analysis is learning online. It allows you to maintain your busy lifestyle, provides flexibility to learn anytime, anywhere, and you end up paying far less than the cost of learning in-person.

How we hire English teachers

One of the major benefits of learning English with Rype is the quality of English teachers we have hired. Unlike most language lesson platforms, we have a rigorous application process, which involves thorough training and a live interview process.

Here are the 5 step hiring process we put every English teacher through:

Step #1. First application

During the initial application, we gather all the necessary information from the applicant, such as experience level, location, number of hours available to teach, and more. It’s a simple and quick way to filter the serious applicants versus the ones that are not qualified to teach at Rype.

Step #2. Required initial training

The next step is Rype University. This is where we share how teaching at Rype works, strategies and tactics to provide the best learning experience for members. Teachers who do not complete this required training will not move on to the next step.

Step #3. Live 1-on-1 interview

Once we’ve seen that teachers have completed their training, we perform a live 1-on-1 interview with them. This is when we assess the 3 criteria we look for: personality, professionalism, and qualifications.

Step #4. 60-Day Trial

Teachers can now start teaching at Rype. They will go through a 60-day trial period where we will carefully assess the feedback students provide for the teachers.

Step #5. Maintain top ratings and quality

Even after a teacher is invited into our teaching community, they will need to maintain a high-quality rating based on the feedback of our students. Failure to maintain more than 4.5 out of 5 ratings may result in suspension and/or hold period.


How to Start Learning English With Rype

Now is the time to take action. If you’re ready to start learning English, we recommend checking out Rype’s free trial offer today. It’s completely risk-free, and you’ll be able to experience for yourself the quality of teachers we have on our platform.

Enjoy and stay in touch!

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