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How to Say Where You Live in Spanish

¡Hola! ¡Buenos días!Welcome! ¡Bienvenidos!Today we will practice saying where you live. Sharing where you live can be useful in many different scenarios.

¡Hola! ¡Buenos días! Welcome! ¡Bienvenidos!

Today we will practice saying where you live. Sharing where you live can be useful in many different scenarios. You’ll see that this comes up in nearly any conversation when you meet someone new!

Saying where you live in Spanish is different than saying where you are from!

For example, I’m from Panama but I’m not currently living there right now.          

¿Dónde vives?(Where do you live?)          

Yo vivo en México(I live in México)

As you can see by the example we use : “en” and then add the location. This can be a Country, a City, or your full address.

For example:          

Yo vivo en la Avenida Hidalgo(I live on Hidalgo Avenue)

Let’s take a closer look at the verb “vivir”

As we have seen before, verbs in Spanish end in -ar -er -ir.

We already saw the conjugation of a verb with the -ar ending> hablar. I’m sure you remember, right?

¿Qué idiomas hablas?Yo hablo español

If not, you can always refresh your memory.

The pronouns, you must know them by now.

Let's review them together:

  • Yo
  • Usted
  • Él
  • Ella
  • Nosotros/nosotras
  • Ustedes
  • Ellos/ellas

Now the root of the verb “vivir”, what is it?

Yes! You've got it! It's : viv

  • Yo vivo
  • Tú vives
  • Usted vive
  • Él/ella vive
  • Nosotros/nosotras vivimos
  • Ustedes viven
  • Ellos/ellas viven

Let's practice together with some examples:

  • Yo vivo en México
  • Tú vives en Colombia
  • Usted vive en Estados Unidos
  • Él vive en París
  • Ella vive en Inglaterra
  • Nosotros/nosotras vivimos en San Diego
  • Ustedes viven en Nueva York
  • Ellos/ellas viven en Alemania

¡Excelente trabajo!
¡Good job!

Nos vemos pronto. Muchas gracias por acompañarme el día de hoy.

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