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How to Speak French For Beginners

Whether you want to learn how to speak French to improve your career, or for the love of languages, our 'How to Learn French For Beginners' guide will help.

French, the language of love. It's known as one of the most beautiful languages in modern society, and the French aren't afraid to share it! Despite what most people think, French is not just spoken in France, but widely across the world. 29 countries officially to be exact as of 2015.

Whether you want to speak French to seek out a new career, or learn for the love of languages, our step-by-step guide on 'How to Speak French For Beginners' is the best place to start. We'll share everything you need to know on the best French learning blogs to read, how to teach your kids French, and what French for business is like compared to conversational French. And much more.

Shall we begin? Chapter 1: Why Speak French.

Chapter List

Why Speak French

With over 29 countries speaking French as its official language, it will take you much further than just the country of France.

2. Where to Learn French

From mobile apps, French textbooks, to private French teachers, there's many options that will suit your goals, schedule, and needs.

3. French Learning Blogs

Get exclusive and cutting edge language hacks from polyglots who have already mastered French.

4. French Learning Podcasts

Develop your French listening skills by listening to French learning podcasts on-the-go.

5. French Youtube Channels

More of a visual learner? These French Youtube Channels will make you laugh, learn, and practice like you've never had before.

6. Free French Apps

Even the best language learners need tools to help them accelerate their skills. We've curated the best French learning apps for you to enjoy.

7. Most Common French Words

We're going to share the most common French words for you to master today.

8. French Exercises

Start practicing your French skills as early as today with our list of exercises you can do to improve your writing, vocabulary, and grammar knowledge.

9. French Lessons Online

The best way to learn French is through live lessons. We'll share the tools to help you take advantage of it.

10. French For Kids

Want to train your kids to become bilingual? French is a great language to start that will give them the foundation to learn other latin languages, such as Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese.

11. French For Business

From working in nonprofits to business organizations, learn how to speak professional French with our step-by-step guidelines.

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